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Darshana is a Girl Child Education initiative by Fourth Quadrant LLP in collaboration with Project Nanhi Kali (a flagship programme of K.C. Mahindra Education Trust) that provides underprivileged girls with access to quality education.
Project Nanhi Kali has reached out to over 500,000 underprivileged girls across 14 states in India. Project Nanhi Kali provides every girl 360 degree support including after-school free tuitions, on every school day, and access to a personalized, adaptive learning software pre-loaded on digital tablets. In addition, a school supplies kit comprising of a school bag, stationery and even feminine hygiene material is provided to every Nanhi Kali to help her attend school with dignity. A professionally designed sports curriculum is integrated into the programme to promote holistic development. The Nanhi Kali team also engages with parents and community stakeholders to sensitize them on the importance of girls’ education and create girl-friendly eco-systems.
Project Nanhi Kali is presently supporting 185,759 Nanhi Kalis across 9 states in India.
For every girl that is funded by a donor under the Darshana initiative, Fourth Quadrant will fund the education of an additional girl child. So, you contribute for one, but double the impact on the society of it under this initiative.
What happens after you donate:
  • You will receive an 80G receipt for your donation. All donations are eligible for 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. This is only applicable for Indian donors. (If you are a US/UK resident, please click on the country donation links given below )
  • You will receive the details of the girl/s whose education you have funded within a month of making your donation.
  • You will have access to the profile/s and 3 progress reports of the girl/s supported by you

Join Fourth Quadrant and Project Nanhi Kali to enable underserved girls in India to realize their dreams.

Click here to know more about Fourth Quadrant LLP.

Please contact us on [email protected] for any queries related to Project Nanhi Kali.

If you wish to donate in INR to Mahindra Foundation INDIA click here

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